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天與地之間 冰與火之間 我要尋找你那七彩迷魅我的眼
日與夜之間 黑與白之間 我要反開你那寂寞孤單的夢魘
天與地之間 冰與火之間 我要和你一起發現愛的平恆點
神與魔之間 正與邪之間 我願交換靈魂讓你回到我身邊
狂風呼嘯 腳下黃沙燃燒 失去至愛空洞城堡
不願 這樣傷心崩倒 閃電怒號 抬頭世界碎掉
追回真情不計代價只要你重回我懷抱 什麼也不能阻擋我
因為你印在腦海中 越天地冰火過
戰神魔 時空錯 心堅持 不放手
傷口不會痛 痛的是空虛生活
城堡裡無盡的想念圍繞 實在
太沉重難承受 愛你愛你愛你怎會讓我心紛亂如麻
冷漠不再尊敬拋開都因為 我不能自主拜在你腳下
愛你愛你愛你 怎會 讓我失控沒辦法
悲傷不再一切重來都因為 你是我世界中唯一的花
天與地之間 冰與火之間 我要不斷浪浪直到地圖的邊緣
日與夜之間 冰與火之間 我要用盡地球色採畫出愛的線
天與地之間 冰與火之間 我要用心絕不讓愛成沙漠荒田
神與魔之間 正與邪之間 我願背負罪惡只要見到你笑臉
詞:董基鑑 曲:董基鑑 編曲:洪敬堯
歌詞轉載自歌詞帝國 http://www.kikikoko.idv.tw
憶深處的美好 星空還刻著你的微笑 數不清多少夜晚
盡在你手心的記號輕輕靠在我懷抱 聞你婦絲淡淡的味道
懷念我們曾經多麼單純的美好 過去的美好
我想有一天我們都能忘掉 想你的星空下
星星不再閃耀 我想我知道 眼淚的味道
曾經付出的每一天每一年我不曾想逃 受傷的翅膀
總有一天會慢慢 慢慢的變好 能飛得更高
當失去你的依靠 我想我知道 眼淚的味道
Don't wanna miss you
逝去的不能再留住 只是過往每個畫面
都成為我們的束縛 愛情的無助
詞:ENERGY 曲:林俊傑 編曲:屠穎
歌詞轉載自歌詞帝國 http://www.kikikoko.idv.tw
哼著這些旋律 請多愛我一天
有你和我的淚水 穿越光年
而我就只要 和你永遠不說再見
聽我在耳邊 說出來的溫柔 一直到最後
好想你 Baby 請放手追尋 好想你 Baby 愛無懈可擊
我相信 思念堅定 在某年某月某一天有瘋狂的記憶
好想你 Baby 守護著愛情 好想你 Baby 故事在繼續
在這裡 我只想說 這是唯一給你的歌曲
(唱到這裡 沒有結局 我們一起譜出下一曲)
OH YEAH 我聽見天使歌唱
劃過愛情半徑 只有我在這裡 第二次愛上了你
我是書偉 我們家的床好舒服噢
我是牛奶 多喝牛奶有益身體健康噢
我是坤達 我真的很愛打籃球
我是阿弟 我超愛唱歌的
(NA....閃過心裡 最後的畫面).....
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大熱天 美術館前 我穿得全身花
看起來 就像都市裡的 玩家 像野馬引人妒嫉
不話有自己想法 除了你誰說話都不甩他
要停就停 要走就走 要沖我就沖我
鬥聰明我不怕比瀟洒 我最大 手插口袋
悠哉悠哉 自然很帥cowboy ohboy 你說看吶這一幅作品
叫鳶尾花 他是一個 可憐畫家 梵谷名畫
OH DEAR 我不知道 老兄是哪來的畫家
YEAH 只是陪你看著它 你悄悄問我鳶尾花
哪裡找它 真頭痛 女生有的無聊舉動
我不懂 They said the cowboy
要在意女生所說的話 也要去了解她的想法
否則不小心就會失去她 They said the cowboy
別自己顧著自己 瀟洒 還要去學習她的想法
優雅 這樣才 稱得上Real cowboy Oh dear
我們走吧陪你去尋找 鳶尾花吧 不管在哪
海角天涯 oH OH 啊 我好感動啊 Oh dear
藍色的花 像蝴蝶般揮舞著夢 Yeah 這個夢要實現它
手牽手在都市林 穿梭追風 奔西東 和你一起探索行動
像英雄 ! ;They said the cowboy 要在電女生所說 的話
也要去了解她的想法 否則不小心 就會失去她
They said the cowboy 別自己顧著自己 瀟洒
還要去學習她的憂雅 這樣才 稱得上Real cowboy
喂 跑去哪 別忘記 告訴她 Yeah 手機找開隨時要通簡訊要傳
甜蜜話不肉麻 Yeah 感動 Yeah 說心裡話
分享給她有錯你認 好的她拿 乖嘛 Cowboy 喲
別頂嘴 紳士風度溫文儒雅 體貼細心 真實不假 沒錯
說到做到 不要推托 沒錯 說到做到不要推托男了氣概
自成一派 Cowboy 動作快 come on They said the cowboy
懂得珍惜才是大贏家 Cowboy全世界不能取代她 Cowboy
為愛奔波什麼都不怕 Cowboy Cowboy
詞:徐世珍 編曲:洪敬堯
歌詞轉載自歌詞帝國 http://www.kikikoko.idv.tw
你的眼睛變成了沙漠 讓人找不到溫柔的線索
我不會連走開都不懂 愛情已經不能活
沒有我的你 自己要保重
*好想再抱你一次 OH~最後一次 你是那麼真實
柔軟的髮絲 心跳的拍子 痛苦在我胸口狠狠的刺
再抱你一次 OH~最後一次 你是那麼誠實
就連一滴淚 都不願裝飾 愛情裡最傷人的是理智
浪漫的日子像一場夢 愛你不是想要聽你感謝我
放開了手我們都重獲 四分五裂的自由
我是個不能 讓你快樂的小醜
站在風裡天空在顫抖 陷入伸手不見五指的寂寞
難道真的不能握握你的手 難道沒有比較容易的分手
至少讓你微笑過 這是最後的請求 最後一次 擁抱我
6.We cre family
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get up 拿出你的精神出發 跟我一起尋找夢想
喔..不要沮喪 time is 力量 只要我
煩惱就會通通溜走 音樂讓你擺動 land 23 and 4
盡情放鬆 我的朋友一起擺搖 全力沖刺
不然你會太... i say it is my style 123pull your hands
喔 Everybody just pull your hands 讓我想個辦法
嘎嘎呼啦 乎嘎啦 念個咒語
讓你爽sweet (不然你要怎樣 秀個三分 搶個籃板 有種單挑 one by one)
(strike)要烏龍 想辦法 事情一定會有解決的辦法
(要心機 想幹嘛 不要懷疑讓我來拉你一把)世界大同
我們都是一家 哥哥弟弟妹妹姊爸爸媽媽(大佬)
(姥姥媽媽婆婆阿媽 阿 還不都一樣) we are family
乘著夢想一起旅行 we are family逮到機會不要放棄
we are family 要自己high 就要努力 we are family everybody shake your booty
(yo yo yo check it out)現在輸到牛奶唱
用你的聲音 一被被被起 LA...搞什麼
like that 才是our style
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come on jump everybody yeah yeah yeah 跳出靈魂和生命
yeah yeah yeah oh一起跳
are yousay yeah 節奏的聲響在心中滴答滴 我卷起袖子在播放
全場只能隨我擺盪 energy we are 放手 那已經是多年前
entertainment才是潮流的表現 讓我帶領你們
energy we are 我知道愛一個人不容易
瘋狂dj音樂進入你的我血液裡 你的眼神和我發現同一件事情
雙手抱緊你 心神不安寧 我告訴我自己不該錯過你
癒夜癒美麗只想麻醉我自己 靠近你擺動的身體
不顧一切一起跳 我的雙手在唱盤上搞神秘 我 布下天羅地網
你很難逃出我的手掌energy we are 面具 不太適合你的臉
卸下防備已進入我世界 讓我帶領你來energy we are
8.Everyting in my heart
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走在 語言陌生的國度低頭 看見我單調腳步 想起你
回憶化成了相簿 快樂的 聲景播放一幕幕
是你的everything in my heart 是你的 真情全托付
讓未來 更清楚 遇見你 是一份愛的奇跡 兩顆心
彼此 包圍住 我知道這一生 不辜負 閉上眼 像聽見
神正為我們祝福... 電話裡你是不是哭過
還要 裝作沒有事跟我說 今天不錯 倔強的
要我不用想太多 你的勇敢 同樣的鼓歷著我
分開的生活 是有點折磨 翻弄著日
等待著相聚 忍 不住和你在一起 奔向
陽光晴空和雲朵..... 是你的
every thing in my heart 是你把真情全托付
讓未來更清楚 遇見你 是一份愛的奇跡要 兩顆心
彼此 包圍住 我知道這一生 不辜負 閉上眼
像聽見 神正為我們祝福.... 日記本裡面我
曾寫過 只陪你世界漫遊去尋找 夢想國 一輩子 讓你靠 我承諾
春夏秋冬都一起 面對渡過 分開的生活
是有點折磨 翻弄著日 等待相聚 忍
不住和你一起奔向陽光晴空和雲朵... 真愛支持著我
守護你 不退縮 幸福 五彩汽球
翻過來 (won der land )邀你來 (就出現 )
是你的 Everyting in my heart 是你把 真情全托付
讓未來更清楚 遇見你 彼此 包圍住 我知道這一生
是你的Everyting in my heart 是你把 真情全托付
讓未來 更清楚 遇見你 是一份愛 的奇跡 兩顆心
彼此包圍住 我知道這一生 不辜負
閉上眼 像聽見 神正為我們祝福....
你看 天空的煙火炫目.
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三點鐘方向 那裡那裡 有個妹妹 穿得很辣
心跳撲通一下 小鹿亂撞 我流口水
拉起手煞車 耍帥的 甩起尾出
trouble today is not my dya 不想 想太多
oh my friends 夢想要實現
holiday holiday sweet heart 美好下午
閉著屋屋 穿梭在大馬路 陽光沙灘
椰子樹 真是good time我的新國度 新世代
it's our dream everyday 我的世代最新鮮
只要有夢想就不怕危險Holiday 我想不論如何 乘著夢想前進
Holiday 就讓我來陪你 i say Holiday 就在這一刻裡
have a dream 忽然發現 美好的夢全實現
hey you 這真是太神奇 現在用我的嘴來告訴你
但是等一下啦行我吸一口氣 說什麼聽不懂
瞎咪碗糕聽不懂 it's my way 手牽手
我的朋友 大家都有夢 但是一定要把握
123 u see everybody check it out hey Holiday
一起放鬆心情 一起去冒險 follow me 收拾好你的行李 隨夢去飛。
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當明天 穿過晨光走進地平線(我們就要告別)
當思念淪陷 今後每一天(點燃烽煙)
你的臉 是鋼盔裡塵封已久的照片(枯黃的結)
我許下心願 再見是諾言 無論多危險
你看天空消失不見 烏雲遮住我的臉 手中照片一瞬間我嗅到了那煙哨味
揮別過去那麼遠 只能憑記憶思念 救救我就要淪陷 給我力量讓我回到你身邊
在戰壕裡我思念著你everyday 我不會忘記我曾給你的forever
時空將穿越淒美的愛戀 這一刻到永遠 我們之間故事將不會變
*就算離開我會回來 誓言不會改
責怪傷害也扛下來 為你打不敗
就算離開我會回來 為了你期待
手要放開 心還在 你的愛 無法取代
這瞬間 就讓我再多看你一眼(失落的美)
下個交叉點 回到你身邊 無論多遙遠 喔 喔
想像親吻著你的臉 淚水淹沒我視線 槍林彈雨剎那間 停格畫面成為永遠
戰爭無情的摧毀 最為理想中的家園 求求上旁你聽見 懇求神讓我回到你身邊
在記憶裡你躺在我懷裡everyday 我感受指尖那遙不可及的forever
戰火將分割你我的世界 這一秒將凍結 只想要去證明我心不變
不管東南西北 都還能感覺 你那熟悉的溫熱
想停格這一瞬間 給我做個紀念 讓愛永遠都不滅
*就算離開我會回來 誓言不會改
責怪傷害也扛下來 為你打不敗
就算離開我會回來 為了你期待
手要放開 心還在 你的愛 無法取代
*就算離開我會回來 誓言不會改
責怪傷害也扛下來 為你打不敗
就算離開我會回來 為了你期待
手要放開 心還在 你的愛 無法取代
Black Eyed Peas-Monkey Buisness
1.Pump It
Ha, ha, haaaa
Pump it
Ha ha haaaa
And pump it (louder) [4x]
Turn up the radio, blast your stereo, right
Niggas wanna hate on us
Niggas be envious
And I know why they hating on us
Cause our style’s so fabulous
I’ma be real on us - nobody got nothing on us
Girls be all on us, from London back down to the US (s, s)
We rockin' this contagious, monkey business outrageous
Just confess, your girl admits that we the *****
F-R-E-S-H we fresh, D-E-F, that’s right we def, rock
We definite, B-E-P we reppin' it, so
Turn it up (turn it up) [3x]
Come on baby just
Pump it (louder) [6x]
And say, oh oh oh oh
Say, oh oh oh oh
Turn up the radio
Blast your stereo right now
This joint is fizzling, it’s sizzling, right
Check this out right here:
Dude wanna hate on us
Dude need to ease on up
Dude wanna act on up
But dude get shut like flavour shut down
Chick say she ain’t down
But chick backstage when we in town
She like man on drum
She wanna hit n' run
Yeah, that’s the scheme, that’s who we do, that’s who we be
B-L-A-C-K E-Y-E-D P to the E, then the A to the S
When we play you shake your ass
Shake it, shake it, shake it girl
Make sure you don’t break it, girl, ’coz we gonna
Damn, (damn) [5x]
Apl.De.Ap from Philippines
Live and direct, rocking this scene
Breaking on down for the B-boys and B-girls waiting to do they thing
Pump it, louder come on, don’t stop, and keep it going
Do it, let’s get it on, move it
Come on, baby, do it
La-da-di-da-da-di-dy, on the stere-ere-ere-ere-o
Let those speakers blow your mind (blow my mind baby)
Let it go, let it go here we go
La-da-di-da-da-di-dy, on the radi-adi-adi-adi-o
The system’s got me feel so fi-i-i-i-i-i-ine
2.Don't Phunk With My Heart
No, no, no, nooo
Don't phunk with my heart
No, no, no, nooo
Don't phunk with my heart
if i were to take you home
Would you still be in love baby (love, love)
(love, love) In love baby
If i were to take you home
Would you still be in love baby (love, love)
(love, love) In love baby
Girl you know you got me, got me
With you're pistol shot me, shot me
And I'm here helplessly
In love and nothing can stop me
It can't stop me once I started
Can't return it once you bought it
I'm coming baby don't doubt it
(Don't make me wait)
So let's be about it
No, no, no, nooo
Don't phunk with my heart
Baby you have to trust him, trust him
When I come with lustin, lustin
Cause I bring you that comfort
I ain't over here cause I want ture
Body, I want ture mind too
Interestin' what I find you
And I'm interested in the long haul
Come on girl yee-haw!
(galloping horse fx)
Come on
If i were to take you home
Would you still be in love baby (love, love)
If i were to take you home
Would you still be in love baby (love, love)
(love, love) In love baby
No, no, no, nooo
Don't phunk with my heart
Girl you had me once you kissed me
My love for you is not iffy
I always want you wit me
I play Bobby and you play Whitney
(And I-I)
If you smoke I smoke too
That's how much I'm in love wit chu
Crazy is what crazy do
Crazy in love I'm a crazy fool
No, no, no, nooo
Don't phunk with my heart
Why you so in-sa-cure
When you got cash and you're love herre
You always claim that I'm a cheata
Think I'll up and go leave ya
For another senorita
You forgot that I need ja
You must have caught amnesia
That's why you don't believe uh
Wha'- Yeah - Check it out
[repeat 2X]
Don't ja worry about a thing baby
Cause ya know ya got me by a string baby
Baby girl ya make me feel…
You know you make me feel so real…
I love you more than sex appeal…
Cause ya
[repeat 6X]
That-that-that-that-that-that-that-there girl
No, no, no, nooo (That-that-that-that-that-that-that-there girl)
Don't phunk with my heart(That-that-that-that-that-that-that- there girl)
No, no, no, nooo
Don't phunk with my heart
[Chorus - repeat 2X]
If i were to take you home
Would you still be in love baby (love, love)
(love, love) In love baby
If i were to take you home
Would you still be in love baby (love, love)
(love, love) In love baby
[repeat 2X]
Don't ja worry about a thing baby
Cause ya know ya got me by a string baby
(Instrumental Exits off)
3.My Style
Lord, have mercy [7x]
I know that you like my style [2x]
You can’t get to turn you out
Everybody in the place get wild
I know that you like my style [2x]
You’ve gotta drop it on your pants right now
Everybody in the place get wild
[So what you sayin’]
What’s up, what’s up with you girl [2x]
What’s up, what’s up with you boy [2x]
Don’t jock, don’t jock, baby don’t jock me
I drop the hotness, baby watch me
You can’t, you can’t, no you can’t stop me
’Coz I’m a champ on the rep like rocky
And when I spit it trying out at Z rocks me
Got my style trademark with the copy
Right, you know my style is naughty
Right, so don’t cock-block me
You like my style when I’m whiling out with my gang
And I gain my fame from doing my damn thing
On a mike and I turn the stage like cocaine
And I bang them thangs like a (?)
Our style lined up when we team up
JT and BEP sold the scene up
Cali to Tennessee and in between ‘em
We the hottest in the biz (?)
We be rolling four Hummers and a Pima
With sunset off the chi cantina
Stepped out looking fresh and clean-ah
Paparazzi put me in any magazine-ah
I got eight million ways to rockin’ like this
And ain’t nobody drop their styles like this
I’ma give it to you like that and like this
And my momma always told me “My baby’s a genius”
[Taboo in Spanish]
I like to keep my style on singo [singo]
Baby you can call me mijo [mijo]
I make you say “Adios, mijo”
I make it hot for you if it’s frijo
It feels like something’s heating up
Timberland on the drum-drum he’s beatin’ up
Black Eyed Peas, there’s no defeating us
JT, he’s rocking a beat with us
Them freaks, they want to freak with us
After the spot they tryin’a meet with us
They know our style is fabulous
Off the hook our style ridiculous
What’s up, what’s up with you girl [2x]
What’s up, what’s up with you boy [2x]
I know that you like my style [2x]
I’ve been gone for a while
But I’m back with a brand new style
Black Eyed Peas [Black Eyed Peas]
JT [that’s me]
And we out baby [out baby]
4.Don't Lie
Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry
Hey, baby my nose is getting big
I noticed it be growing when I been telling them fibs
Now you say your trust's getting weaker
Probably coz my lies just started getting deeper
And the reason for my confession is that I learn my lesson
And I really think you have to know the truth
Because I lied and I cheated and I lied a little more
But after I did it I don't know what I did it for
I admit that I have been a little immature
Fucking with your heart like I was the predator
In my book of lies I was the editor and the author
I forged my signature
And now I apologise for what I did to you
Cos what you did to me I did to you
Nononono baby, nononono don't lie
Nononono, yeah you know know know know you gotta try
What you gonna do when it all comes out
When I see you & what you're all about
Nonono baby, nononono don't lie
Because you know you know you know you know you know you gotta try
She said I'm leaving
Cos she can't take the pain
It's hard to continue this love it ain't the same
Can't forget the things that I’ve done inside her brain
Too many lies committed too many games
She feeling like a fool getting on the last train
Trying to maintain but the feeling won't change
I'm sorry for the things that I've done and what I became
Caught up in living my life in the fast lane
Blinded by lights, cameras, you know the fame
I don't know the reason why I did these things
And I lie and I lie and I lie and I lie
And now our emotions are drained
When you lie and you lie and a little lie lie
And now your emotions are drained
Yo, I'm lying to my girl even though I love her
And she all in my world
I give her all my attention and diamonds & pearls
She's the one who makes me feel on top of the world
Still I’m lying to my girl, I do it
And I lie and I lie and I lie till there's no turning back
I don't know why, [and I lie and I lie till I don't know who I am]
And then I tell myself
Nononono baby, nononono don't lie
Nononono, yeah you know know know know you gotta try
What you gonna do when it all comes out
When I see you & what you're all about
Nononono baby, nononono don't lie
Nononono baby, nononono
Stop, st-stop st-stop stop stop lying.
5.My Humps
Whatcha gonna do with all that junk
all junk inside your trunk
I'ma get get get get you drunk
get you love drunk off my hump
my hump my hump my hump my hump my hump
my hump my hump my hump my lovely little lumps
Check it out
I drive theese brothers crazy
I do it on the daily
they treat me really nicely
They buy me all these icys
Dolce and Gabbana
Fendi and then Donna
Caring they be sharin
All their money got me wearing fly
brother I aint askin
They say they love mah ass in
Seven Jeans
True religion
I say no
but they keep givin
So I keep on takin
And no I aint fakin
We can keep on datin
ill keep on demonstrating
My love my love my love my love
you love my lady lumps
my hump my hump my hump
my humps they got you..
Shes got me spending..
Ohh..Spending all your money on me..and spending time on me..
Shes got me spending..
Ohh..Spending all your money on me..uh on me on me..
Whatcha gonna do with all that junk
all that junk inside that trunk..
I'ma get get get get you drunk
get you love drunk off my hump
Whatcha gonna do with all that ass
all that ass inside your jeans
I'ma make make make make you scream
make you scream make you scream
Coz of my humps my hump my hump my hump
my hump my hump my hump my lovely lady lumps
Check it out
I met a girl down at the disco
She said hey hey hey ya lets go
I can be ya baby, you could be my honey
Lets spend time not money
And mix your milk with my cocoa puff
milky milky cocoa mix
your milk with my cocoa puff
Milky milky
They say I'm really sexy
The boys they wanna sex me
They always standin next to me
Always dancin next to me
tryna feel my hump hump
Lookin at my lump lump
you can look but you can't touch it
if you touch it
I'ma start some drama
you don't want no drama
No no drama no no no no drama
So don't
Pull on my hand boy
you aint my man boy
I'm just tryna dance boy
And move my hump
my hump my hump my hump my hump my hump my hump
my hump my hump my hump my hump my lovely lady lumps
my lovely lady lumps my lovely lady lumps
In the back and in the front
my loving got you..
Shes got me spending..
Ohh..Spending all your money on me..and spending time on me..
Shes got me spending..
Ohh..Spending all your money on me..uh on me on me..
Whatcha gonna do with all that junk
all junk inside that trunk
I'ma get get get get you drunk
get you love drunk off my hump
Whatcha gonna do with all that ass
all that ass inside your jeans
I'ma make make make make you scream
make you scream make you scream
Whatcha gonna do with all that junk
all that junk inside that trunk
I'ma get get get get you drunk
get you love drunk off this hump
Whatcha gonna do with all that breasts
all that breast inside that shirt
I'ma make make make make you work
make you work work make you work
Shes got me spending..
Ohh..Spending all your money on me..and spending time on me..
Shes got me spending..
Ohh..Spending all your money on me..uh on me on me..
6.Like That
Question for the ages
What’s going on with my back pages?
Rappers wanna be down, but listen listen
You got to feel it within your body and your spirit
When you listen to the rhythm [come on]
It’s the abstract wiles on the beat
Women all around the globe, the world
You got to follow me
Change your history, categories
Different people in the same territories
Hip-hop in here for my Black Eyed Peas
So watch it watch it be marvelled on the speakers please
Coz they gonna marvel and shake the ground
Break addles break the sound
Fill the embraceful pound
Treat all the things profound
If you wanna dude to help you out
Make it cool around your friends without smoking now
Play the song kinda loud, it could help you out
And you could work it out, yeah you could work it out
It’s like that, and a
And we got it like that [like that]
You know we got it like that [like that]
Y’all we got it like that [like that]
It’s like that, like that [like that]
Y’all we got it like that [like that]
You know we got it like that [like that]
Yeah we got it like that [like that]
It’s like that coz I got it like that
And I got it like that also
Got a style that’s way out like Bosto
You know I’ma crook a nigga like Chocko
Steady jumpin’ round like it’s heavy cargo
[Can I kick it?] Yup, really far though
From Osegundo to Toronto
I once hit a girl up in Chicago
But I’d never say who unless my name was Tanto
Yup, you know how the date rape go
Coz we show the classic example
Now they know the Peas collect the dough
So they knocking on our door like we was Fargo
Yup, they see me in a Will.I.Am suit
But I wasn’t that cute when I didn’t have the loot
And I don’t smoke birds but I’m still real nice with the birds
So ***** (hey!) what you heard
Coz we got it like that
Talib, just hit ’em like that
I’m from the jungle, brother, and I got it like that
Yo, my life got me running through a maze like a white rat
I need a shot at ramming like my rap
It’s like the yack is the fights that got me spillin’ on the right track
And I like this will so I might get ill
On the mikes somebody might get killed
So many damn rappers there’s a stifle in heaven
My tongue is a weapon and plus when I bust all this stuff with Legend
When this Brooklyn MC come after you
You be running like I herd a carrel at Murdell Avenue
There we yattin’ that ain’t pretty that’s the attitude
To be at Fight Club, even Brad had to crack a too
Stare into the Sun, they try to copy
Let your eyes get used to the light because you gotta watch me
Sneak up on you like saki
My lyrics get out a split atom like Hiroshima and Nagasaki
It’s the Apl.De.Ap in the lab with the rap
Demonstrate how we act, we attack any track
It’s the Black Eyed Peas and we back with the facts
Start with the fat skills that rose in the past
We got it like how you know how to beast rocks
Entertain you, see you soon at the next spot
The crew got you bouncing and dropping your eye
Making you (?)
Tss tsss tsss, I’ma roll with the hot
I’ma flow from the soul when you can’t hold me back
Ke-ke-keep on keep on rolling the track
I’ma simply simply always attach
Jeepney Music by Apl.De.Ap
From L.A to Philippines we bridging the gap
We got it like that you know we got it like that
Like… we got it like that y’all
It’s like that and a…
It’s like that and a…
My man Q-Tip in the house
Cee-lo you know he’s in the house
My man John Legend’s in the house
Talib Kwali will work it out
My man Apl.De is in the house
Will.I.Am is definitely in the house
Fergie Ferg is in the house
Whadup to De La, shot ’em out
Drew hip-hop music now
Positive vibes, no doubt
My man (?) is in the house
My man Shahid’s in the house
You know I’m in the house
Black Eyed Peas represent sellin out [3x]
It’s like that da-da…
7.Dum Diddly
You know the music make you jump and prance
The BEPs we keep you rocking on the dance
Give them the music, make them jump and prance
Dum diddley dum dum diddley dum dum diddley dum dum diddley diddley
You know the music make you jump and prance
The BEPs we keep you rocking on the dance
Pass it, pass it, jump and prance
Dum diddley dum dum diddley dum dum diddley dum dum diddley diddley
Bring on the rhythm; bring on the drums
The room shock sound like someone gunned
(Blup! Blup!) There go your ear drum
So raise the volume to the maximum
Base booming bout to make your body feel numb
Pulsation probably penetrate your skeleton
This little diddley definitely demonstrates some
Dum diddley dum – so dance to the drums
Don’t hurt yourself, take it easy
There’s no better time than right now
So let yourself go, o-eh-o
Watch yourself now, her comes the sound
You know the music make me jump and prance
The BEPs we keep you rocking on the dance
Give them the music, make them jump and prance
Dum diddley dum dum diddley dum dum diddley dum dum diddley diddley
You know the music make you jump and prance
The BEPs we keep you rocking on the dance
Pass it, pass it, jump and prance
Dum diddley dum dum diddley dum dum diddley dum dum diddley diddley
Freeze: music please
Apparently we the true MC’s
B-Boys no decoys you know the sting
BEPs till infinity
And we officially also fresh the scene
So tell me if you see a crew that officially
Hit the whole globe simultaneously
Hit after hit, check out my melody
Sim sim sim, blum blum blum
The Black Eyed Peas begun with action
Repeating rhy-rhythm in satisfaction
No need for asking, that’s what’s happening
The blip blip blip, the blah blah blau
If you didn’t know me then then you’ll never know me now
This the Apl.De.Ap, the Filipino Ap
If you don’t know my style then let me show you how
8.Feel It
Can you feel it in your body-ah [can you feel it]
Can you feel it in your body-ah [can you feel it]
Coz I can feel it in my body-ah [I can feel it]
It feels good to my body-ah
To my body, in my body-ah [can you feel it]
Can you feel it in your body-ah [can you feel it]
Coz I can feel it in my body-ah [I can feel it]
It feels good to my body-ah
We gonna make y’all feel it
Make y’all feel it
Make y’all wanna jam
Fellas in the place just clap your hands
Ladies in the house just grab a man
We gonna make y’all feel it
Make y’all feel it
Make y’all wanna move
LadIes in the place just show ’em proof
Fellas in the house you know what to do
We gonna make y’all feel it in a special way
An EVENT full of action and exposé
Ladies in the CLUB looking ready to play
And I’m waiting for the right one to pass my way
And in the mean time I’m about to roll up The Hague
We got drinks on the table, tied up our lay
And it’s time to unwind if you’ve had a low day
And ladies, I got something to say
We gonna make y’all feel it
Make y’all feel it
Make y’all wanna jam
Fellas in the place just clap your hands
Ladies in the house just grab a man
We gonna make y’all feel it
Make y’all feel it
Make y’all wanna move
Lades in the place just show ’em proof
Fellas in the house you know what to do
Feel the vibration of the bass charm
Put your face on the speaker, get your face blown
Get up on the floor, get your dance on
Coz your backbone’s connected to your ass, go on
The ladies all dressed up high fashion [hot!]
Dancing all sexy with passion
Honey, if you don’t mind me asking
Can you feel all that bass in that ass, hun?
This is it [this is it] gotta keep ‘em moving
Don’t stop [don’t stop] once you get moving
Don’t break [one break] next thing you know
You on top [you on top] so hop to the rhythm
That we stop [don’t stop] get loose and express
What you got [what you got] at least you gotta
Give yourself a shot [a shot] hey never get ‘em up
And what you got?
Can you feel the hy-y-y-ype?
I can feel the hy-y-y-ype
Can you feel the hy-y-y-ype?
I can feel the hy-y-y-ype
To my body, to my body-ah
To my body, to my body-ah
9.Gone Going
[Will.i.am] --
Johnny wanna be a big star
Get on stage and play the guitar
Make a little money
buy a fancy car
Big old house and an alligator
Just to match with them alligator shoes
Hes a rich man so hes no longer singin the blues
Hes singing songs about material things
and platinum rings and watches that go bling
But, diamonds don't bling in the dark
He a star now, but he aint singing from the heart
Sooner or later hes just gonna fall apart
Coz hes fans can't relate to his new found art
He ain't doing what he did from the start
and thats putting in some feeling and thought
He decided to live his life shallow
Passion is love for material
[Jack Johnson] --
And its gone..gone..going..
gone..everything gone..give a damn..
gone be the birds when they don't wanna sing..
gone people..up arkward with their things..
[Will.i.am] --
You see yourself in the mirror and ya
Feel safe coz it looks familiar but ya
Afraid to open up your soul coz ya
Don't really know
Don't really know
who is,
The person thats deep within
Coz your content with just being
the nieve brown man and ya
Fail to see that its trivial
Insignificent, you addicted to material
I've seen your kind before
Your the type that thinks souls is sold in a store
Packaged up with insense sticks
With them vegatarian meals
To you thats rightous
You're fiction like books
you need to go out to life and look
Coz..What happens when they take your material
You already sold ya soul
and its..
[Jack Johnson] --
And its gone..gone..going..
gone..everything gone..give a damn..
gone be the birds when they don't wanna sing..
gone people..up arkward with their things..
[Will.i.am] --
You say that time is money
and money is time
so you got mind in ya money
and ya money on ya mind
But what about..
That crime thatcha did to get paid
And what about..
That bid, you can't take it to your brain
[Jack Johnson] --
And what about those shoes your into day
They'll do no good
On the bridges you've burnt along the way
[Will.i.am] --
All that money that you got
Gonna be gone
That gear that you rock
gonna be gone
The house up on the hill
gonna be gone
The gold --- on your grill
gonna be gone
The ice on your wrist
gonna be gone
That nice little miss
gonna be gone
That whip that you roll
gonna be gone
And whats worst is your soul'll be gone
[Jack Johnson] --
And its gone..gone..going..
gone..everything gone..give a damn..
gone be the birds when they don't wanna sing..
gone people..up arkward with their things..
10.They Don't Want Music
11.Disco Club
If the lady’s in the disco club
I’ll freak you in the disco club
And dancing in the disco club
And shaking in the disco club
If you take me to the disco club
Yeah, I’m trying to party on out
Step to the disco can’t work it out
Let’s get go and this party started now
Parties and getting naughty is what I’m all about
So many girlies in the house
With slanging ass bodies and perty ass mouths
After the party we’re going straight to my house
[I got to, go to] Gotta get you on my couch
I rock steady, no doubt
You ask for some of us I let you turn it out
Don’t give me gomma baby baby don’t pout
I don’t want a baby momma, don’t want a spouse
[Chorus 2x]
I like the way that you move
Don’t hold back, baby, do what you do
You make a nigga go ooh
How the hell a woman get as fine as you [so fine]
I’m trying to holler at you
First time I see ya’ I was like ‘hallelujah’
Turn around, let me view ya’
[Got to, got to, got to] Damn I wanna do ya’
Baby let’s get into it
Make moves like me and you was intimate [sexy]
Let’s pretend that this beat is a hot beat blown with intimate
[Hotness] Sex with clothes on
Dancing on the dance floor, getting my bulge on
[Rising] And I got a Trojan
In case we get it, get it going on
Coz the ladies in the disco club ain’t the ones to be falling in love with
If you go to the disco club protect yourself and don’t fall in love
The ladies in the disco club ain’t the ones to be falling in love with [2x]
Playa listen, yeah, I’m a Miss and I go to clubs and I sip on Cresson
That don’t mean I’m like the rest of them tricks
At a party getting naughty, chasing money and dicks and
No, you got me all wrong brother
No, I’m a woman that’s strong brother
Yeah, it ain’t nothing wrong with a woman in the club getting freaky to the song
Monday at the disco club
Tuesday at the disco club
Wednesday at the disco club
Thursday at the disco club
Friday at the disco club
Saturday at the disco club
Sunday at the disco club
Every day’s the disco club
See us at the disco club
See you at the disco club
We gonna break it on down
Rub it on your belly like a ultrasound
Shake it like a jelly and move around
Really wanna see y’all flaunt your style
Get wild, baby, get a little crazy
Don’t hesitate, won’t take no/maybe
[Move] not like an eviction
But you and me baby could cause some friction
Hmm, as my eyed undress you
Just wanna let you know there’s no pressure
Body conversation, they both want pleasure
But your girl can’t pack more lecture
Hmm, what you gonna do now
Bounce, rock, shake and we can all while out
Let it all flow like a river now
Check me, check me, check ch-check me on out
Bebot bebot
Be bebot bebot
Be bebot bebot be
Ikaw ang aking
Bebot bebot
Be bebot bebot
Be bebot bebot be
Ikaw ang aking
Bebot bebot
Be bebot bebot
Be bebot bebot be
Ikaw ay
Filipino!!! Filipino!!! Filipino!!! Filipino!!!
Hoy pare pakinggan nyo ko
Eto nang tunay na filipino
Galing sa baryo sa pangbato
Pumunta ng LA nagtrabaho
Para makatulong sa nanay
Dahil sa hirap ng buhay
Pero masaya parin ang kulay
Pag kumain nagkakamay
Yung kanin, chicken adobo
Yung balot, binebenta sa kanto
Tagay mo na nga ang baso
Pare ko inuman na tayo
Filipino!!! Filipino!!! Filipino!!! Filipino!!!
Bebot bebot
Be bebot bebot
Be bebot bebot be
Ikaw ang aking
Bebot bebot
Be bebot bebot
Be bebot bebot be
Ikaw ang aking
Bebot bebot
Be bebot bebot
Be bebot bebot be
Ikaw ay
Filipino!!! Filipino!!! Filipino!!! Filipino!!!
Masdan mo ang magagandang dalaga
Nakakagigil ang beauty mo talaga
Lambingin di nakakasawa
Ikaw lang ang gustong kasama
Yung bahay o kubo
Pagibig mo ay totoo
Puso ko'y laging kumikibo
Wala kang katulad sa mundo ko
Pinoy ka sigaw na, sige
Kung maganda ka sigaw na, sige
Kung buhay mo'y mahalaga, sige
Salamat sa iyong suporta
Filipino!!! Filipino!!! Filipino!!! Filipino!!!
Filipino!!! Filipino!!! Filipino!!! Filipino!!!
Bebot bebot be bebot bebot
Be bebot bebot be
Ikaw ang aking
Bebot bebot be bebot bebot
Be bebot bebot be
Ikaw ang aking
Bebot bebot be bebot bebot
Be bebot bebot be
Ikaw ang aking
Bebot bebot be bebot bebot
Be bebot bebot be
Ikaw ang aking
Bebot bebot be bebot bebot
Be bebot bebot be
Ikaw ang aking
Bebot bebot be bebot bebot
Be bebot bebot be
Ikaw ay
pinoy ka sigaw na, sige
kung maganda ka sigaw na, sige
kung buhay mo'y mahalaga, sige
salamat sa iyong suporta, sige
pinoy ka sigaw na, sige
kung maganda ka sigaw na, sige
kung buhay mo'y mahalaga, sige
salamat sa iyong suporta
...Filipino ...Filipino ...Filipino ...Filipino
La la la la la la la la la la la la loooooooooooo [x2]
13.Ba Bump
Yea (woo)
Uh (woo)
the ***** (woo)
This is the beat that make you shake your rump
That make your booty go ba-bump, ba-bump
It’s that beat that make ya bump ya bump (ohh)
Yea, just do what you want
Up in the club just do what you want
Get into it baby, get off your stump
Girlies on the dance floor wiggle your fronts
We got rhymes that always triumph
This is the beat that make ya bump ya bump
Shake your rump rump shaky shake your rump
Its that beat that make ya bump ya bump
And only gettin’ little booties little bit of hump (thanks)
And if you got boobies baby keep em all plump
And if you got blunts s-smoke em if you want
Got a 6 - 4 get pump it in your trunk
Cuz we got biz that been boomin like… (ohh)
Yea nigga don’t frunt
Cuz this beat got you running just like uh
(run forest)
Bump ya bump
And if you got money fellas keep it like Trump
Fellas, huh
Whip out your money
and go get a Honey
and buy what she want
Take her to the ball and try to get her drunk
But if the girl’s UGLY
Then get drunk
This that beat that make ya get crunk
It’s that beat that make ya bump ya bump (ohh)
I’ll give you what ya want
(Ye-eh-eh, Ye-eh-eh, Ye-eh-eh, Ye-eh-eh…)
B to the U to the M to the P
That’s what we gave ya cuz that’s what you need
B to the E to the P make ya bump (ooh)
I’ll give you what you want
I come with rhymes that are dangerous like stunts (yea)
Keep the girls screaming just like trumpets (yea)
Keep the hits from smashing like pumpkins
Get ya drunk like it’s too, too much consumption (ohh)
Throw the assume, there’s no room for assumption
We the crew that keep the funk just funking
The bump just ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bumping (ohh)
We give ya what you want
Some that thing lil some one of
Just like your mamma nigga this beats Chunky
Look imma be real blunt
We punch up cops, no, we don’t get punk’d
Never stagged near the dragon, keep it on jump (ohh)
If you’re askin’ it’s the year of the Monkey
So ba bump ba bump (ohh)
Do what you want
(Up in the club just do what you want)
Give it to me baby, yea, get off your stump
Brothers on the floor just wiggle your front
Cuz we got rhymes that always triumph, huh
Got blunts s-smoke em if you want
This that beat that make ya, you know the rest
It’s that beat that make ya bump ya bump (ohh)
I’ll give ya what you want, come on
(Ye-eh-eh, Ye-eh-eh, Ye-eh-eh, Ye-eh-eh…)
B to the U to the M to the P
That’s what we gave ya cuz that’s what you need
B to the E to the P make ya bump (ooh)
This is bumping, bumping, (oh) bumping, bumping
When it’s bumping in your trunk, it takes over me
(This is bumping, bumping) and this is real (bumping, bumping)
cuz I feel
the ba-bump bump ba-bump
This is bumping, bumping, (Oh) bumping, bumping
When the base ba-bumps, ba-bumps it takes over me
(This is bumping, bumping) you know I feel (bumping, bumping)
so unreal
ba-da bump bump da-bump
14.Audio Delite At Low Fidelity
[One for all, one for all]
[It’s all it’s all for one]
Let’s start a union, calling every human
It’s one for all and all for one
Let’s live in unison, calling every citizen
It’s one for all and all for one
We don’t want war- can’t take no more
It’s drastic time for sure
We need a antidont and a cure
Coz do you really think Mohammed got a problem with Jehovah
We don’t want war – imagine if any prophet was alive
In current days amongst you and I
You think they’d view life like you and I do
Or would they sit and contemplate on why
Do we live this way, act and behave this way
We still live in primitive today
Coz the peace in the destination of war can’t be the way
There’s no way, so people just be ’em wanna be a man
Realise that you can’t change the world by changing yourself
And understand that we’re all just the same
So when I count to three let’s change
Got no time for grand philosophy
I barely keep my head above the tide
I got this mortgage, got three kids at school
What you’re saying is the truth, but really troubles me inside
I’d change the world if I could change my mind
If I could live beyond my fears
Exchanging unity for all my insecurity
Exchanging laughter for my tears
I don’t know, y’all, we in a real deposition
In the midst of all this negative condition
Divided by beliefs, different sink and religion
Why do we keep missing the point in our mission?
Why do we keep killing each other, what’s the reason?
God made us all equal in his vision
I wish that I could make music as a religion
Then we could harmonise together in this mission
Listen, I know it’s really hard to make changes
But two of us could help rearrange this curse
Utilising all the power in our voices
Together we will unite and make the right choice
And fight for education, save the next generation
Come together as one
I don’t understand why it’s never been done
So let’s change on the count of one
It takes one, just one
And then one follows the other one
And then another follows the other one
Next thing you know you got a billion
People doing some wonderful things
People doing some powerful things
Let’s change and do some powerful things
Unity could be a wonderful thing